55 lines
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class_name ImageScript
extends RefCounted
## Base class for scripts that process images through Sprite painter.
## Extend this script and add the new file to `res://addons/sprite_painter/image_scripts/`
## to make it usable in Sprite Painter.
enum {
SCRIPT_PARAM_BOOL, ## Checkbox property. No hints.
SCRIPT_PARAM_INT, ## Integer number property. Hints: [MINVALUE, MAXVALUE]
SCRIPT_PARAM_FLOAT, ## Floating-point number property. Hints: [MINVALUE, MAXVALUE]
SCRIPT_PARAM_ENUM, ## Enumeration property. Hint is an array of names for the created OptionButton.
SCRIPT_PARAM_ICON_ENUM, ## Enumeration property. Hint is an dictionary of {ICON : TOOLTIP} pairs. ICON can be a theme icon name or a loaded Texture.
SCRIPT_PARAM_ICON_FLAGS, ## Array of Bools property. Hint is an dictionary of {ICON : TOOLTIP} pairs. ICON can be a theme icon or a loaded Texture.
SCRIPT_PARAM_RESOURCE, ## Resource property. Hint is the base type of accepted Resources.
SCRIPT_PARAM_FILE, ## Resource property. Allows choosing a file from a folder set in a hint.
SCRIPT_PARAM_COLOR, ## Color property. No hints.
var _params = {}
## Returns a parameter set through the GUI.
## Key must be same as passed in `_get_param_list()`.
func get_param(key : String) -> Variant:
return _params[key]
## Called when the script is loaded: when switching scripts, opening an image, or resetting parameters.
func _ready(image : Image):
## Called to preview or apply the script. Must return the result, which can be the same image object.
func _get_image(new_image : Image, selection : BitMap) -> Image:
return new_image
## Must return a list of parameters. Each parameter contains:
## - Name
## - Type
## - Default
## - Type Hint, for which refer to ImageScript's class.
func _get_param_list():
return [
"_get_param_list() Not overriden!",
["Refer to the ImageScript class for more info."]