2024-12-07 05:37:56 +04:00
extends Node2D
enum StructType {
EMPTY_ROOM, # 0. Пустой модуль
RESIDENTIAL_ROOM, # 1. Жилой Модуль
LABORATORY_ROOM, # 2. Лабораторный Модуль
ENERGY_ROOM, # 3. Энергетический Модуль
FARM_ROOM, # 4. Фермерский Модуль
LIFE_SUPPORT_ROOM, # 5. Модуль Жизнеобеспечения
CONTROL_ROOM, # 6. Модуль Управления
OBSERVATORY_ROOM, # 7. Модуль Обсерватории
MEDICAL_ROOM, # 8. Медицинский Модуль
GEOLOGICAL_ROOM, # 9. Геологический Модуль
RESOURCE_EXTRACTION_ROOM, # 10. Модуль Добычи и Переработки Ресурсов
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COMMUNICATIONS_ROOM, # 11. Модуль Связи и Навигации_
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enum struct_fields {
@onready var structs = {
StructType.EMPTY_ROOM: {
struct_fields.SOURCE_ID: 1,
struct_fields.SIZE: Vector2i(5,5),
struct_fields.POS_ATLAS: Vector2i(0,0),
struct_fields.LAYER: $buildings/buildings0
2024-12-07 20:58:52 +04:00
StructType.V_WAY: {
struct_fields.SOURCE_ID: 1,
struct_fields.SIZE: Vector2i(3,1),
struct_fields.POS_ATLAS: Vector2i(0,6),
struct_fields.LAYER: $buildings/buildings1
StructType.H_WAY: {
struct_fields.SOURCE_ID: 1,
struct_fields.SIZE: Vector2i(1,3),
struct_fields.POS_ATLAS: Vector2i(4,5),
struct_fields.LAYER: $buildings/buildings1
StructType.WAY_UP: {
struct_fields.SOURCE_ID: 1,
struct_fields.SIZE: Vector2i(3,1),
struct_fields.POS_ATLAS: Vector2i(0,5),
struct_fields.LAYER: $buildings/buildings1
StructType.WAY_DOWN: {
struct_fields.SOURCE_ID: 1,
struct_fields.SIZE: Vector2i(3,1),
struct_fields.POS_ATLAS: Vector2i(0,7),
struct_fields.LAYER: $buildings/buildings1
StructType.WAY_LEFT: {
struct_fields.SOURCE_ID: 1,
struct_fields.SIZE: Vector2i(1,3),
struct_fields.POS_ATLAS: Vector2i(3,5),
struct_fields.LAYER: $buildings/buildings1
StructType.WAY_RIGHT: {
struct_fields.SOURCE_ID: 1,
struct_fields.SIZE: Vector2i(1,3),
struct_fields.POS_ATLAS: Vector2i(5,5),
struct_fields.LAYER: $buildings/buildings1
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var layers: Array[TileMapLayer]
var layers_dict: Dictionary
func _list_childrens(node: Node2D):
for child in node.get_children():
if child is TileMapLayer:
layers_dict.get_or_add(child.name, child)
elif child is Node2D:
func _ready() -> void:
layers = []
func get_maxZ(tile_pos: Vector2i) -> int:
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var max_z: int = -1024
for layer: TileMapLayer in layers:
if layer.get_cell_source_id(tile_pos) != -1 and layer.z_index > max_z:
max_z = layer.z_index
return max_z
func get_toplayer(pos: Vector2i) -> TileMapLayer:
var toplayer: TileMapLayer = null
for layer: TileMapLayer in layers:
if layer.get_cell_tile_data(pos) != null:
if toplayer == null: toplayer = layer
elif layer.z_index > toplayer.z_index: toplayer = layer
return toplayer
func place_road(pos: Vector2i) -> bool:
var layer: TileMapLayer = layers_dict["roads"]
if get_maxZ(pos) >= layer.z_index:
return false
layer.set_cells_terrain_connect([pos], 0, 2, true)
return true
func erase_road(pos: Vector2i) -> bool:
var layer: TileMapLayer = layers_dict["roads"]
return true
func place_way(pos1: Vector2i, pos2: Vector2i) -> bool:
if pos1.x == pos2.x and pos1.y == pos2.y: return false
if pos1.x != pos2.x and pos1.y != pos2.y: return false
var tiledata1: TileData = layers_dict["buildings0"].get_cell_tile_data(pos1)
var tiledata2: TileData = layers_dict["buildings0"].get_cell_tile_data(pos2)
if tiledata1 == null or tiledata2 == null: return false
if not (tiledata1.get_custom_data("is_center") and tiledata1.get_custom_data("struct_name")=="EMPTY_ROOM"): return false
if not (tiledata2.get_custom_data("is_center") and tiledata2.get_custom_data("struct_name")=="EMPTY_ROOM"): return false
if pos1.x != pos2.x:
if abs(pos1.x-pos2.x)<=5: return false
place_struct(Vector2i(min(pos1.x,pos2.x)+2, pos1.y), StructType.WAY_LEFT)
place_struct(Vector2i(max(pos1.x,pos2.x)-2, pos1.y), StructType.WAY_RIGHT)
for x in range(min(pos1.x,pos2.x)+3, max(pos1.x,pos2.x)-2):
place_struct(Vector2i(x, pos1.y), StructType.H_WAY)
if pos1.y != pos2.y:
if abs(pos1.y-pos2.y)<=5: return false
place_struct(Vector2i(pos1.x, min(pos1.y,pos2.y)+2), StructType.WAY_UP)
place_struct(Vector2i(pos1.x, max(pos1.y,pos2.y)-2), StructType.WAY_DOWN)
for y in range(min(pos1.y,pos2.y)+3, max(pos1.y,pos2.y)-2):
place_struct(Vector2i(pos1.x, y), StructType.V_WAY)
return true
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2024-12-07 14:43:59 +04:00
func remove_struct(pos: Vector2i):
for layer in layers:
var tiledata: TileData = layer.get_cell_tile_data(pos)
if tiledata != null and tiledata.get_custom_data("is_center"):
var struct_size = tiledata.get_custom_data("struct_size")
var half_size = Vector2i(struct_size.x / 2, struct_size.y / 2)
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for x in range(struct_size.x):
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for y in range(struct_size.y):
var offset = Vector2i(x, y)
var tile_pos = pos+offset-half_size
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func destroy_building(pos: Vector2i, only_ways: bool = false):
for layer in layers:
var tiledata: TileData = layer.get_cell_tile_data(pos)
if tiledata != null and tiledata.get_custom_data("is_center"):
if tiledata.get_custom_data("struct_name") == "H_WAY":
elif tiledata.get_custom_data("struct_name") == "V_WAY":
elif not only_ways and tiledata.get_custom_data("struct_name") == "EMPTY_ROOM":
destroy_building(pos+Vector2i.LEFT*3, true)
destroy_building(pos+Vector2i.RIGHT*3, true)
destroy_building(pos+Vector2i.UP*3, true)
destroy_building(pos+Vector2i.DOWN*3, true)
elif not only_ways:
func place_struct(pos: Vector2i, type: StructType) -> bool:
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if not structs.has(type):
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return false
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var struct_size = structs[type][struct_fields.SIZE]
var layer = structs[type][struct_fields.LAYER]
var source_id = structs[type][struct_fields.SOURCE_ID]
var pos_atlas = structs[type][struct_fields.POS_ATLAS]
var half_size = Vector2i(struct_size.x / 2, struct_size.y / 2)
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#Is place free check
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for x in range(struct_size.x):
for y in range(struct_size.y):
var offset = Vector2i(x, y)
var tile_pos = pos+offset-half_size
if get_maxZ(tile_pos) >= layer.z_index:
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return false
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for x in range(struct_size.x):
for y in range(struct_size.y):
var offset = Vector2i(x, y)
var tile_pos = pos+offset-half_size
layer.set_cell(tile_pos, source_id, Vector2i(x,y)+pos_atlas)
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return true