# Sprite Painter Actually, it's not just sprites it paints. Image editor right within Godot 4! Just press the colorful button above the viewport to edit a Node's texture, or an image file in the project folder! - **Box and Wand selections**, which mask effects of drawing tools. The underlying pixels can be dragged and dropped elsewhere; - 1-pixel **pencil** - can erase if secondary color is transparent; - Round **brush** with **eraser** and smooth option; - A classic **bucket** tool with a **gradient** variant; - **Line** drawing; - A number of **shapes** to shape your graphics; - And a bit of **scripting** support. Other features: - Quick operations on the image: flip, rotate, and resize; - Press Alt to pick color from editor window; - Grid overlay for Sprites with Frames and Maps with Tiles; - Region overlays for Atlastextures and Spriteframes; - Full Undo support. # Made by Don Tnowe in 2022. [My Website](https://redbladegames.netlify.app) [My Twitter](https://twitter.com/don_tnowe) [My Itch](https://don-tnowe.itch.io) Copying and Modification is allowed in accordance to the MIT license, full text is included. Some shader code is from [https://iquilezles.org/articles](https://iquilezles.org/articles), released under the MIT License. Icon made in Sprite Painter [*tm*]