extends Node2D const NPC_SCENE = preload("res://npc/npc.tscn") var npcs: Array[NPC] func add_npc(pos: Vector2i): var npc: NPC = NPC_SCENE.instantiate() npc.translate(pos*World.tile_size) npcs.append(npc) add_child(npc) # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready() -> void: randomize() add_npc(Vector2i(11, 8)) add_npc(Vector2i(9, 9)) add_npc(Vector2i(12, 11)) func set_npc_target(npc: NPC, target: Vector2i): var id_path = $"../TileMap".astar_grid.get_id_path( $"../TileMap/ground".local_to_map(npc.global_position+$"../TileMap/ground".global_position), target ).slice(1) if not id_path.is_empty(): npc.id_path = id_path # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: for npc in npcs: if not npc.is_walking(): set_npc_target(npc, Vector2i(randi()%64,randi()%64)) pass